Have questions about what it’s like to work together? Check out these frequently asked questions. If you don’t see your question here, click here to get in touch.

  • I accept most Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) plans. This is the only insurance plan I accept.

    I am considered to be out of network for all other insurance providers. If you have out of network benefits, your insurance provider may reimburse you for some of your session fees.

    Insurance coverage for intensive sessions gets more complicated. The simplest answer is that your insurance provider may provide coverage for a 55 minute session, such as a pre-intensive or post-intensive session. However, you will need to pay out-of-pocket for 3 hour intensive sessions, regardless of your insurance coverage.

  • My fee for a 55-minute session is $170.

    My fee for a 3-hour intensive session is $510.

  • In both weekly and intensive sessions, most of the deep work tends to happen about 40 minutes into the session.

    In a weekly, 55 minute session that means you get about 15 minutes of deep work per session or 45 minutes of deep work over 3 weekly sessions.

    In a 3 hour intensive session, that means you get about 2 hours and 20 minutes of time for deep work.

    It is the amount of time spent doing deep work that allows for faster change. This means fewer hours in therapy, which saves you both time and money.

  • A therapy intensive a longer therapy session that provides a dedicated block of time to focus on deep healing work.

    I am currently offering intensives in 3-hour blocks. You can choose to do as few or as many intensives as you need in order to meet your goals. Some people prefer to book several intensives a over a short period of time. Other people may only need one intensive session to meet their goals. Intensives can also be scheduled every month or so in order to complete long term work in an intensive format.

    Learn more.

  • Physically I am located in Charlotte, North Carolina. I do all of my work online and can serve clients who are anywhere in North Carolina.